Billings, MT
Miles today - 547 miles
Total miles - 9541
As we drove through the farm lands in Alberta, we saw these fields of yellow blooms everywhere. We finally asked someone what it was and found it is canola. They use the black seeds from these plants to make cooking oil and fuel.

We had to make a quick stop to wash at least the first layer of dirt off the bike. It was absolutely covered in dirt after riding through rain, mud and construction zones. We met two guys from Pennsylvania at our first gas stop and mentioned we were going to wash the bike. One of them told us we should consider the dirt to be a "badge of honor" for going to Alaska and should not wash it until we got home.

We're back in the lower 48 and now headed straight for home! Unfortunately it's going to take a few days to get there. We crossed the border at Sweetgrass, MT.

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