Day 24 - Liard, BC to Dawson Creek, BC
Miles today - 485 miles
Total miles - 8316 miles
The Alaska Hwy became very narrow as it wound around Muncho Lake. The lake is gorgeous! It is 7 miles long and a mile wide.

Muncho Lake is known for its beautiful deep green and blue waters. The colors are attributed to copper oxide leaching into the lake.

We have crossed many of these steel grated bridges. It's slow going on these when you're on a motorcycle - and we prefer not to meet any big trucks that rattle it a bit as they blast past us.

"Stone sheep" - not to be confused with mountain goats, are seen along this area. We saw several.
Hi y'all! Just had to let you know,everything is fine back here at home.Your little furgirl has Landon wrapped around her paw.We are REALLY enjoying watching your adventures as they happen.Stay safe,our prayers are with you! Donna