Day 17 - Seward, AK to Whittier, AK
(by land)
Whittier, AK to Valdez, Ak
(by sea)
Miles today - 91 by land
6 hours by sea
Total miles - 5810 by land
We ate breakfast in Seward here at "The Train Wreck" - old train cars that included a diner, lodge and shops.

This is Portage Glacier - on the road to Whittier.

On the way to Whittier, we went through a railroad tunnel - 2 1/2 miles long - the longest in North America. They only allow one way traffic through so we had to wait an hour for our turn.

We arrived in Whittier to board the Aurora - the ferry we would take to Valdez.

On the ferry, we went through Prince William Sound - many beautiful sights!!!

There were chunks of ice that had come off of a glacier.

Here an otter was taking a ride on an ice chunk.
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