Day 18 - Valdez, AK to Tok, AK
Miles today - 348
Total miles - 6158
This is tent city in Valdez. When we got off the ferry, we set up camp here. These low hanging clouds were what we awoke to the next morning.

We saw lots of beautiful waterfalls on the road out of Valdez. This particular one was in Keystone Canyon.

Here is an old railroad tunnel on the Richardson Highway. This sign tells the history.

Behind Chris, you can see the opening of the tunnel.

Another magnificent glacier - the Worthington Glacier.

We were hoping to go to the town of McCarthy. To get there, we had to go through the town of Chitina. From Chitina to McCarthy is a really rough dirt road. We started down it and the weather suddenly turned ominous. We decided we might be able to get down the road, although it would be a really slow process, but if it rained, we might get stuck in McCarthy. So... we decided to turn around. It turned out to be a good decision because it rained all afternoon and night. We stopped in at this little hotel for a snack and then headed on to Tok.

This is the Wrangell St. Elias National Park - the largest in North America. We were actually riding through it most of the day.
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